Letters from a young WorkCycles fan
TweetA couple months ago I found an envelope on my desk with US postage, only our address without business name and a return address with no name. I figured it was probably for a neighbor and it was a while before I realized I couldn’t do much more with it than just open it. So I did, and I found the following inside:
A request from Jesse
Since we regard catalogs as some archaic leftover of the paper era we didn’t have any to send to Jesse. After an extensive brainstorm session and heated discussion it was decided to send Jesse not just one, or even two but several WorkCycles foam keychains, as pictured below. No, we didn’t send it COD with an invoice for the postage. Please note that the example keychain below is somewhat deformed as a result of Pascal using it for several months as a teething toy:
For several weeks we waited with baited breath for Jesse’s reply and it finally arrived a few days ago. We weren’t disappointed as it’s just as sweet and polite as the first letter:
Jesse, you’re completely welcome and we’d be happy to discuss your being our U.S.A represitive… in a few years. In the meanwhile we wish you success convincing your parents to get a WorkCycle.
June 25th, 2009 at 16:01
Cute, extremely cute.