Eddy’s galvanized Fr8 again


Eddy de Bruyn’s WorkCycles Fr8 (pronounced “freight”) and his son Jimmy have graced these pages before. But now Eddy’s bike sports a child’s saddle and footrests behind the handlebar so Jimmy can sit between papa’s arms. Both “gezellig” and “stoer”!

7 Responses to “Eddy’s galvanized Fr8 again”

  1. Jon Carroll Says:

    Hi! Great site and great pictures…so reminds me of our time in Holland. We are still on the search for the easiest / simple childs seat we used there. Any ideas? It simply clipped on the pannier, a simple tubes seat, probably very old. The clips were springs and easy to get the thing on and off between bikes. I miss that seat. Keep up the good info!

  2. henry Says:

    Thanks Jon, It sounds like you used GMG seats since they’re the simple ones that clamp to the rear carrier. Jut keep in mind that their safety is dependent on a good fit on a sturdy carrier. The Bobike Maxi and Junior clamp are generally nicer child seats and attach directly to the bike. Of course we sell all of them at WorkCycles.

  3. john Says:

    It’s funny you know, I think the Massive Rack looks lighter and generally less Massive in that colour.

  4. henry Says:

    Maybe, but it’s still pretty Massive (60cm wide) and actually heavier than a painted rack since some of the molten zinc gets trapped inside the tubing when it’s removed from the tank. It’ll never rust though.

  5. Tim Eustis Says:

    This may verge on the crude, but it seems to me that with Eddy’s saddle pitched so, he’s not gonna need a rear rack for the kids who aren’t coming, if he rides that more than a mile a week. Man, that looks painful.

  6. galvanizli sac Says:

    its very nice bike, thank you. galvanzili sac

  7. Eddy (jimmy's dad) Says:

    @Tim Eustis…
    haha, nah, just looks that way. the bike is tilted because of the frontrack which doubles as a kickstand. kiddie #2 is on his way this month, so there’s no worry in the family jewel store… hihi…

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