A shiny day for Workcycles Oktoberfietsfeest
TweetWhat can I say? Bummer if you missed it. The fourth annual Workcycles Oktoberfietsfeest* was a great success, with considerable help from the absolutely perfect weather. Global warming has its benefits!
We had a levitation contest, handily won by a young van Eeckhoutte who managed to stay afloat for three minutes 7 seconds before being knocked to the ground by an out of control bakfiets.
Vegetarian Anne (wo)manned the BBQ, serving up many, many kilos of very non-vegetarian bratwurst, merguez sausages and pannekoeken for the little ones to make a mess of.
There was much chatting and hobnobbing, perhaps even a few business cards exchanged hands. The bakfiets captains of industry plotted away in their endless quest for world domination.
Kids who misbehaved were immediately packed into the RC240 trash-collection bakfietsen for punishment laps.
Henry generally ignored the adult guests, preferring to entertain the kids with his highly developed balloon folding techniques; Orange turtles, black flowers, red poodles and pink pussycats were all produced and promptly destroyed by the kids.
The Gitaarduo band played with a number of guest artists. Amongst others they played: Queen’s “I like to ride my bicycle”, Kraftwerk’s “Tour de France”, Pink Floyd’s “Bike” and the theme song to the film “The Bicycle Thief”.
Once Henry tired of the balloon tricks the kids were left to decorate the street with chalk and ride bikes in heavy traffic.
Even the seven person Conference Bike showed up with Eric Staller, Sietske Tjallingii and a variety of eminent guests.
*”Oktoberfietsfeest” translates approximately to “Traditional, Bavarian inspired, beer soaked, sausage devouring, autumnal bicycle party”. We take full credit for inventing it and imitators will be mercilessly and endlessly ridiculed for their lack of creativity.
October 11th, 2007 at 08:39
Het was gezellig. Superweer natuurlijk. Leuk dat ik nu een gezicht bij je naam ken.
October 11th, 2007 at 10:56
your party was delightful, delicious and delovely. We all had a wheel good time! love, Eric, Sietske and ?
October 12th, 2007 at 07:37
So if Babar is on the conference bike, then who’s at Bar Bar?
And would Babar have both hands on the handle-barbar?
October 12th, 2007 at 08:26
good food
nice people
lovely atmosphere
May 12th, 2008 at 04:29
[…] als we ongelofelijk geluk hebben… anders laat September/begin Oktober voor onze jaarlijks Oktoberfietsfeest. Click to your heart’s content: These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can […]
September 23rd, 2008 at 09:54
[…] Check out the report from last years Oktoberfietsfeest here. […]
October 16th, 2009 at 22:24
[…] Check out the previous two Oktoberfietsfeesten: WorkCycles Oktoberfietsfeest 2008: Photo journal A shiny day for Workcycles Oktoberfietsfeest […]
October 21st, 2011 at 22:43
[…] Check out some Oktoberfietsfeesten: WorkCycles Oktoberfietsfeest 2008: Photo journal A shiny day for Workcycles Oktoberfietsfeest […]