WorkCycles Oktoberfietsfeest* 2007
TweetSunday 7 October
Once again its time for WorkCycles‘ world famous, fourth annual OKTOBERFIETSFEEST*! Join us in celebrating another successful and exciting year of existence.
As always we’ll have:
– KLM pilots Jan & Anne cooking up a storm on the BBQ
– Too much beer and wine
– Guitar Duo Willem & Dominic live, performing every bicycle tune they know
– Child friendly atmosphere with the baby-bakfiets with BBQ smells)
– No promotion, no sales talk, no new product launches etc. This is for FUN, not business!
And new for 2007:
– Prizes. Yes, stuff for FREE! WorkCycles is not known for giving stuff away so here’s a rare opportunity.
(categories are secret but we recommend bringing your coolest, most creative workbikes or anything else that will impress the jaded jury panel)
– Yet more fresh, new bicycle songs by Willem & Dominic
– An October date…
(Dress not to impress, but to stay warm. We’ll move indoors if it rains.)
When: Sunday 7 October 2007, from 13:00 till dark or until we feel like quitting
Where: WorkCycles world headquarters, Veemarkt 150 Amsterdam
Who: friends, customers, colleagues, fans, spouse(s), kids…
What to bring: Cool bikes, gifts, flowers, a shrubbery… no, nothing unless you want to.
Hope to see you there.
*”Oktoberfietsfeest” translates approximately to “Traditional, Bavarian inspired, beer soaked, sausage devouring, autumnal bicycle party”. We take full credit for inventing it and imitators will be mercilessly and endlessly ridiculed for their lack of creativity.
Need help finding us? You can find a map and directions to WorkCycles here.
Some photos from previous Oktoberfietsfeesten below…