Nieuwe transportfiets met kruisframe

WorkCycles semi-transportfiets met kruisframe, voor WorkCycles semi-transportfiets met kruisframe Schakelaar WorkCycles semi-transportfiets Kettingscherm WorkCycles semi-transportfiets

Het lijkt alsof ik wat geïnspireerd werd door die mooie Germaan transportfiets met kruisframe in een andere post – zie hem hier. Maar nee, eigenlijk bouwt WorkCycles regelmatig degelijke semi-transportfietsen op basis van een stevige kruisframe. Deze frames worden in België met de hand gesoldeerd met lugs en dikke buizen.

De fiets in deze afbeeldingen is een “special” voor een Amsterdamse kunstgallerie en schoenwinkel (een bizondere combinatie maar echt waar) die “Le KunstWinkel” heet. Als ze maar een website had zou ik een link moeten plaatsen.

Tenzij dat deze fiets leuk is en moderne onderdelen heeft is zeker geen nep-ding. Alles behalve mischien de open-kettingscherm (gewoon om het te proberen) is echt bedoeld voor het zware werk.

12 Responses to “Nieuwe transportfiets met kruisframe”

  1. T. Strengers Says:


    Is deze fiets (de transportfiets met kruisframe, leverbaar? Wat zijn de specificaties, de prijs?

    vriendelijke groet,

    T. Strengers

  2. henry Says:

    Deze fiets kwam terug van Le KunstWinkel… en werd dan snel verkocht. Het was ongeveer €1000. Maar het is natuurlijk altijd mogelijk om nog een bijzondere fiets te maken. Kijk naar de Workcycles commerciele site om wat meer te leren:


  3. Todd Edelman Says:

    Beste Henry,

    Hi, droevig ik spreek heel klein Nederlands…

    1 – Is this frame considerably stronger than a women’s frame of similar quality? Actually, this begs the question: What are the real differences between classic men’s and women’s frames that are used on the bikes you offer?

    * Strength difference?
    * Not being able to use top tube for leaning/sitting on?

    I am a man, but I like women’s frames because:

    * Easier to get on and off
    * Can lend to anyone wearing a skirt or dress (e.g. a girlfriend who wants to ride me OR a Scotsman with a kilt, or probably other forms of non-Western dress, etc.)
    * It is not important for me to use a bike frame to identify my gender

    Finally, as many large public bicycle systems (e.g. Barcelona, Lyon, Paris) exclusively use bikes with easy step-over frames, I am curious if this is affecting the sales of private bikes with these types of frames.

    2- Is shifter in that position because to have it on handlebars just makes me it way less precise and quick and makes ugly cabling?

    3 – What does steering stablizer do, exactly?

    vriendefietslijke groengroet aus Berlin,
    T. Edelman(n)

  4. henry Says:

    Hoi Todd,
    1. For a given amount of material a “men’s” frame will generally be stronger and stiffer since it’s a more ideal construction. But our “ladies” or “step-through” frames don’t break anyway. For most purposes a step-through is simply more convenient, though a top tube can be handy for leaning the bike against a pole and other minor advantages. Many men in the Netherlands prefer so called “ladies” frames and there’s definitely no stigma attached to riding one. That’s different in other countries.

    The public bike systems are being installed in locations that have extremely low bicycle usage and the general trend is that bike usage and ownership increases massively as a result of people getting familiar with cycling and also the improved bicycle infrastructure that generally accompanies the loan systems. Since no city/utility bikes were sold in these places before the loan system it’s impossible to say how they’ve had an effect on whether people choose men’s or ladies type frames.

    2. The shifter on this bike is mounted on the frame because it eliminates the need for cable to the handlebar, the shifting is very direct, and it looks cool. Here in Holland one rarely shifts a three speed bike anyway. The first and third gears are too low and too high to generally be useful. Second gear is the direct drive.

    Why not just mount a single-speed coaster brake? Because there are no good hubs available. The three speed hubs are stronger and more durable.

    3. A steering stabilizer just keeps the front wheel from flopping over while the bike is parked. The bike then stands much more stably.

  5. Anon of Florida Says:

    For high quality Coaster Brakes, have you looked at Velosteel coaster brakes? From what I gather, they’re a copy of Sach’s Torpedo hubs, and come at 120mm OLD, with longer axles if needed.

  6. henry Says:

    Sure we’re very familiar with VeloSteel hubs. Yes, they’re copies of the wonderful, old Torpedo. Unfortunately they’re really terrible copies. No respectable mechanic would fit a VeloSteel hub to an adult’s bike here; those are reserved for kid’s bikes and wheels too cheap for even a Shimano coaster brake.

  7. Danny Says:

    I can’t read the description of the “Nieuwe transportfiets met kruisframe” as I speak only english. What is the frame material? Lugs are made of what material? Can I read a english version of the description somewhere?

  8. henry Says:

    These frames are straight gauge carbon steel, as are the lugs. You can translate the page with various translations sites.

  9. DJ Says:

    Concerning the Kruisframe:
    What is the head and seat tube angles?
    What is the wheelbase?

  10. henry Says:

    Head and seat angles are 67 degrees.
    Wheelbase is about 120cm.
    A Rohloff hub won’t fit without extensive modification but would be pointless on this bike anyway.
    The other specifics are irrelevant for the rider of the bike. The frame is strong, straight and correctly designed for its job.

  11. DJ Says:

    No specifics are irrelevant to me, Henry, as I’m thinking of buying a bike that I’ve never ridden. Are the dropouts horizontal and longer than 25mm? If so the rohloff might work to haul this tub of lard over the hills where I live…hardly pointless; but the question remains: Have you ever fitted one with a rohloff hub?

  12. henry Says:

    Sorry for my flippant sounding response. The dropouts on all of our bikes are horizontal and certainly longer than 25mm. However there’s no way to mount a rear brake if you install a Rohloff hub. The rear triangle has no disk brake caliper mounts nor are there fittings for a rim brake. Though it’s a great piece of hardware the Rohloff costs almost as much as the bike itself and is really intended for recreational enthusiast bikes. WorkCycles city bikes are sturdily made utility bikes designed for relatively flat or rolling terrain. If climbing hills without ever getting off to walk is the plan perhaps a lighter bike with more aggressive ergonomics would be more appropriate. At least something like our Secret Service would be a somewhat swifter ride.

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